Our society can only succeed if we have honest hard working people that respect each other and for themselves. We need people who think and plan for the future. Scouting's slogan of "always be prepared" is something to always keep in mind. Another thing that Scouting teaches is loyalty to something greater than yourself. These type of values don't fit into many of those on the left ideas of total dependence on government and political organizations. The left constantly shows nothing but hates for everything that is scouting.
Now for over 100 years the Scouting organization has been a guiding light for youth all over the world. It is a time to celebrate this great accomplishment and show support for the people who have dedicated their time to build up our youth. Maintaining such Scouting has not been easy over the last few decades as the Progressives have once again raised their ugly heads. But Scouting still works to continue its mission of hope, charity, and honor.
For over the more that two centuries this has existed the man who held our top administrative office has had or at least shown concern for the future of the country. The future of this country is its youth. This country has a proud history of our future leaders, both local and national, learning very important life lessons in the Scouts. Leadership is an important lesson, but loyalty is another to the nation is another. Our nation was once a nation of laws and now with the move to social justice, we need people who understand the difference between equal and social justice. As a scout we learned about not only justice, but faith. That was faith in a higher power and those who deserved trust. For our nation to continue and be restored we need leaders who have learned many of the lessons of Scouting. This can only happen with the support of our leaders.
It would have been great for the President to have taken the time to travel across the river to Virgina to show support and help to inspire the youth of America would have gained him some respect from a lot of people. But his choice of traveling to New York to appear on The View may gain him appeal from the female that watch that program, did not impress me on what he considers important. He decided that it was more important to campaign once again, as he spits in the face of a lot of Americans. Of course he seems to enjoy tearing down American institutions. This continued lack of respect for American values and the view of anyone except his far left wing radicals continues to demonstrate that there are deep down hatred of those Anti-American root run.
At such a momentous occasion as the 100th year anniversary I congratulate and celebrate this event. I welcome all of those who join in on this grand event. I just wish that there were more loyal Americans who actually loved the country enough to do the same. But I fear that there are so many in this country that now hate the nation, that unless we can turn the nation around, the scouts may not see another 100 years.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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