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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

John Kerry

Times are so hard that the multi-millionaire John Kerry had to cut back on the expenses on his $7 million yacht. It seem the answer was to avoid taxes. But when you are part of the "ruling elite" who has spent his life exempting yourself from the laws you pass, I guess it is easy to think that you don't have to pay taxes. It would be nice if those who were suppose to be looking our for the country actually related to those they were representing. Oh sure, now that he has been discovered, he is going to pay the taxes. That is not the point. The real point is that the rich elite who is attacking those who create real jobs and working to destroy the underpinnings of the nation. Those who are responsible for the problems plaguing our nation are members of the ruling elite. This ruling elite is no longer looking out for the good of the country, but are only looking out for themselves.

Once again we are looking at an individual who has become so comfortable with his luxury that he does not understand normal life. His claim that the yacht was being repaired would hold a little more water if the purchase had been registered in the state of Massachusetts. But if the reports of it being registered out of state is true, then he is lying about his open attempt to avoid taxes. It seems that as a member of a party that is not afraid to attack the rich and privileged he would be careful. But once again those with the true power feel that they are above us all. Don't get me wrong, I do not covet Sen. Kerry's property or riches. It is hypocrisy that bother me. These are reported to be pictures of the yacht and looks to be very nice.

There are those who are trying to say that it is about how it looks for him to buy such a lavish boat during hard economic times. There are those who are saying that this is about the taxes alone. There are those who say that it is not important. Well what ever you think is up to you, but I'm glad that this man who is this intellectually dishonest never obtained the office of President. Oh wait...maybe not him, but I wonder how our current and past Presidents would have done the same thing. I hope more people understand why character matters. Because John Kerry's actions seem to show a lack of character.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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