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Sunday, November 7, 2010


Have you noticed how our politicians love to tell us that the United States is a “wealthy” nation? When ever you hear an election official say this, it is a good time to grab hold of your wallet. They always say this as they are ready to spend a lot of money or raise taxes. But do you really believe that most of these politicians understand wealth? Do they, and for that matter, do you understand the difference between riches and wealth. I contend that these are two different ideas. Wealth and riches are connected, but both can be very deceptive.

Have you noticed how our politicians love to tell us that the United States is a "wealthy" nation? When ever you hear an election official say this, it is a good time to grab hold of your wallet. They always say this as they are ready to spend a lot of money or raise taxes. But do you really believe that most of these politicians understand wealth? Do they, and for that matter, do you understand the difference between riches and wealth. I contend that these are two different ideas. Wealth and riches are connected, but both can be very deceptive.
Seed Newsvine
For many years the US had a wealth of natural resources. Many became rich from the exploration and utilization of these resources. Wealth is based upon what is done with it and how others value it. So there can be wealth without riches and riches without wealth. You must understand that money is useless if it has no value. So you must have wealth to have riches. But wealth can be many things.

In general terms wealth has no value until it is worth something. For years crude oil was consider worthless. Even after people learned to refine the oil much of what we consider valuable today was burned away as useless waste. That useless waste was what we call gasoline today. So wealth is a product of the mind.

Our government has been dominated for many years by Progressive Socialist. Socialist as a group, don’t understand wealth. As a group those who believe in Socialism, covet wealth. They do not know how to create it or how to use it to the betterment of the human race. They live their lives acquiring the wealth of personal power and destroying it and the freedom and ability to create wealth for everyone else. They understand that with wealth comes power.

Rich is defined as the possession of great material wealth. But wealth can come in many forms. The greatest wealth that the United States of America possesses is the wealth of freedom. From our freedom we create something that was very rare before 1776, freedom that is the envy around the world. Once this resource has been exhausted it will be depleted around the world. Those who are exploiting this resource for the purpose of destroying it are many. There quest for wealth and power can only be satisfied by taking our God given rights away from the US people.

We must realize how we have been manipulated into chasing material wealth of possessions. Too many of us think that that next possession is what we need for true happiness. We can not squander the wealth given to us by our forefathers for the ghost of happiness based upon simple material possessions. The true wealth of a person is the wealth of the human spirit.

Those who crave wealth and power for their own consumption are what they claim to hate, but the goal of Socialism has ultimately been the control of people and their ability to create wealth. So when you hear a politician or elected official talk about spreading the wealth around, you should notice that they are not talking about their own wealth and power, but yours. They are really telling you that they wish to take away your greatest wealth, your freedoms.

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