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Sunday, October 17, 2010


The siren song of Socialism is very attractive. The idea that if everyone works together toward a common goal and sharing the fruits of their labor to all, draws many into this fantasy world. Everyday our youth and many Americans are told that Socialism is people working together for a common goal. The facts of history has shown that it becomes people working together under a common yoke. Without the motivation of personal gain many people see no reason to work harder than anyone else. Due to this fault those who rule over the people, in many cases in the past, turn to "iron fist" tactics to motivate. Ruling through force was the norm in the major parts of the world, until the emergence of the United States of America. Will the world once again fall into the darkness of tyranny?

There can be no personal freedoms in a socialist society. In a free society each person works toward their own goals. In a Socialist society you must work toward the government's goals. Ultimately no matter how hard you work the final results for the average member of the socialist society will be poverty. This is not the image sold by those who sell the idea but history has shown that starvation and poverty is the ultimate destination of Socialistic governments. You need to look no further then the killing fields of Cambodia or the mass starvations in 1950's China. The leftist's much loved Chairman Mao condemned millions to slow death in an effort to prove his personal theories. In blind efforts to create a perfect nation he proved to be one of the largest mass murders in history.

The idea of mass murder seems to be acceptable to many on the left. They see nothing wrong with kill those who stand in the way of their goals. The whole time they claim that their opponents are the ones who advocate violence. With every time the leftist advocates for abortion they support the mass murder of the innocence and the manipulation of women in one of the most difficult times of their life.

The one exception is the ruling class. An examination of history shows that those who run these countries enslave the populous while living a life of luxury. Outwardly the Communist leaders put on a show that they lived no differently than the rest of the population, but the truth was very different. The only way that these leaders could stay in power also required that they keep those close to them happy. The best way to keep a person happy and loyal is through personal gain which violates the ideas of the Socialist and Communist states.

By now you may be saying that Socialism and Communism are two different systems. In answer to this I recommend that you look closely at the goals of the Socialist and Communist parties. They are both slightly different shades of the same color of red. The only thing that has slowed the movement of Socialist countries into pure Communism has been the freedoms of the US. With our slide into Socialism and the lose of our freedoms, the shining city of the hill will be gone. The Socialist of the world will then feel free to totally enslave their populations to the goals of the system. Unless we save our freedoms now, we and the entire world will fall into a darkness of pain and suffering that may never end. We will find that one day we are all slaves to people who only see us as tools, not human beings. We must stop this slide into the abyss and stand up for our freedoms, before it is too late.

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